
a Torah approach to mindfulness and its path to redemption

As the world goes through upheaval and search for normalcy, mindfulness has never been more important. But there is mindfulness and then there is TORAH mindfulness, which goes much further to provide a path to personal fulfillment. And not just fulfillment, but personal and national redemption.

Follow the development of Yirmi, a fictitious student of mindfulness who could be any one of us. We may not be sitting in on his sessions, but we can certainly be his student, as we learn about mindfulness and how it can enhance our life and fix so much that is wrong in the world.

B”H, the book is now in its final edit, and will be available for advance purchase shortly. In the meantime, it is possible to be a part of this exciting project by making a dedication in the book. The cost for a dedication is as follows:

  • Full page: $1,800
  • Quarter page: $360
  • Eight of a page: $180

I look forward to hearing from you.

Pinchas Winston
[email protected]


Additional information

Size of dedication

Full page, Quarter page, Eight of a page

SKU Mindfulness, Torah, and Redemption - Dedication