
PDF Version
By: Pinchas Winston
Length: 81 pages

A Deeper and More Inspirational Understanding of Human Will.


This Is An eBook Product


This book is the follow up of,

“The Torah Empowerment Seminar”,

a project designed to use the power of “Pardes” to inspire and motivate.
As explained there, “Pardes” is a reference to the four levels of Torah interpretation,
from the simplest to the most sublime, otherwise known as “Kabbalah.”

The four levels of Torah learning correspond to the lower four levels of a person’s soul,
which in turn correspond to the four lower spiritual realms of which our physical world is a part.

Thus, the reality of man is interwoven into the fabric of Creation, which is what makes life so
interactive, and history so responsive to the decisions of people.

Ultimately, the project is all about human will, what it is and how best to use it.

This is why this part of the project is called “Addendum,” because it takes this idea to the
next level in search of an even deeper and more inspirational understanding of man’s greatest asset: free will.

Additional information

Book version

Book Length

81 Pages from cover to cover

Category ,
SKU 9781927084366


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