THIS IS A small parsha with big messages. The central theme is summed up by this verse: I am God your God Who took you out of the land of Egypt, to give you the land of Canaan, to be God to you. (Vayikra 25:38)
THIS IS A small parsha with big messages. The central theme is summed up by this verse: I am God your God Who took you out of the land of Egypt, to give you the land of Canaan, to be God to you. (Vayikra 25:38)
THE WORD KOHEN is spelled, Chof-Heh-Nun. It is a word that means to officiate in some way or another, but its letters allude to something deeper. The first two letters, Chof-Heh, have a history of their own, as does the last letter, Nun.
THE MITZVAH TO be holy is an interesting one because it is one of the few for which a reason is given. God told us that we have to be holy because He is holy.
THE POWER OF a moment. One second, life can be going in one direction, and the next, completely another direction. It can start all-time bad and turn into all-time good, and vice versa.
THE LAWS OF purification from tzora’as seemingly have little to do with Shabbos HaGadol. True, Moshe himself became a metzora on Har Sinai when he spoke badly about the Jewish people: