
By: Rabbi Pinchas Winston
Book Length: 145 pages

Truth From Heaven: What It Is, Why It is, How to Get It

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Truth From Heaven: What it is, why it is, and how to get it – By Rabbi Pinchas Winston

Earlier this year I published, World of Lies: What it is, Why it is, Hope to Cope. Based upon a warning in the Gemora about how at the End of Days truth will become a distant reality, and current history which is proving the warning to be true, the book explains why and what to do about it. At the time, it was meant to be a stand alone work, but after starting this new book, Truth From Heaven, I realized it is really, World of Lies, Part 2.

This is why. The Gemora tells the following story:


Rav said, and some say Rebi Yochanan, “Woe, woe, it (the yetzer hara) has destroyed the Sanctuary, burnt the Temple, killed all the righteous, driven the entire Jewish people into exile, and is still dancing around among us! You (God) have given it to us so that we may receive reward through it, but we want neither it nor reward through it!” At that time, a note fell from Heaven for them upon which was inscribed the word ‘truth.’ Rebi Chanina said: We learn from this that the seal of The Holy One, Blessed is He, is Truth. (Yoma 69b)


When it comes to stories in the Gemora, they might not have occurred exactly as told. It doesn’t really matter because the point is the point, and the story is just the means to teach it.

What is the point? It is that truth is from Heaven, or more precisely, that truth is heavenly. This means that truth comes from Heaven, and that if we do not bring it down to earth, or work on keeping it down here, then it will return to Heaven and, in the words of the Gemora, become missing down here.

That is so today. That is also the point of this book, making the rest of it, in the words of the great Hillel, “just commentary.” But it is essential commentary, because unless we understand the dynamic of bringing truth down to our level we will be doomed to live without it, and all the consequences that result from that.

This is why Moshe Rabbeinu had to go up the mountain and into Heaven to receive the luchos (tablets). God could have just as easily given Torah to the Jewish people below, as He did the rest of the 40 years in the desert. He summoned Moshe to Heaven to make it clear that truth does not originate on earth with man, but in Heaven with God. His seal is Truth, not ours.

It answers an important question about today. In general, when someone lies, they know the truth. They’ve just changed it and usually know it inside. It might eat them up or they might rationalize their sin, but they will have a tough time completely ignoring what they have done.

A pathological liar however is unable to control their lying due to an underlying mental health disorder and may even believe what they’re saying. Or they may lie so often that it has no moral effect on them at all. They just go from lie to lie like it’s the truth.

But what is it called when an entire society, or societies, collectively buy into untruths? What has happened to the world when a large percentage of it tells lies as if they are the truth, or for the sake of noble causes that are really selfish ones? Is it possible to fight against the world of lies rather than join it?

From the Gemora, the only viable answer seems to be Moshiach. From the prophets, that only seems possible after a devastating War of Gog and Magog. From current events, both seem to be well on their way, making many people wonder, is any place safe?

On the other hand, there are still plenty of honest people left in the world. There is still a lot of good taking place, and progress continues in many important areas of life. It may not grab the headlines like the “other side” does, and it may have a softer voice, but it is still very much part of the backdrop of the ongoing redemption process. Truth has not gone missing completely—yet.

It’s not unlike how it was for Avraham Avinu. He was 48 years old when they built the tower and God destroyed it. He swam against the tide in his generation and the current was very strong. It almost cost him his life, save for a miracle that protected him.

But four years later he was 52 years old as he ushered in the 2,000 years of Torah that followed. The generation of the tower was neutralized while Avraham rose in stature and success. He just stuck to his thing and waited it out until history finally came around. Is such a strategy possible today? It is something definitely worth exploring.

Back Cover Truth From Heaven What it is, why it is, and how to get it - By Rabbi Pinchas Winston
Back Cover Truth From Heaven What it is, why it is, and how to get it – By Rabbi Pinchas Winston