
Survival in 10 Easy Steps
PDF Version
By: Pinchas Winston
Length: 52 pages

Ten short and inspiring lessons to help you focus on what really counts in life.


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Survival in 10 Easy Steps: By Pinchas Pinston

THE WORLD IS IN upheaval.

The good times have given away to difficult times.

Confusion reigns.

Some people are drifting into a state of quiet desperation.

They need help.

They want help, and not all of it is financial.

Today, it is an issue of survival, of psychological survival.

It is an issue of what you know, and how it can help you make sense of the world in which we live,
and the history that we now find ourselves going through.

There are millions of programs,
disks, books, etc.,
out in the world that will teach you all kinds of coping skills.

Each one is unique in its own way, and how it can help you.

This one is unique as well,
in that it draws form sources that many do not,
and provides a perspective on life that even many of the experts lack.

The first thing to know is that a building is only as strong as its foundation.

A cracked Foundation #means a weak building,
one that can fall under the slightest pressure.

Therefore, there are things you have to know,
that everyone has to know,
no matter what course in life they choose.

There are almost about as many philosophies in life as there are people,
because even when people subscribe to the same belief,
they often have their own take on it,
as suits them and their lifestyle.

And, though this may work for them during the good times,
it tends to fail them during the rough times.

This is because there are rules in life,
absolutes that affect all of us whether or not we believe in them.

We can ignore them for a period of time,
but sooner or later,
they rise to the surface and remind us that if we don’t obey them,
we will only be doing ourselves harm.

You can run from them for a time,
but you can never hide from them for long.

It pays to know what those absolutes that affect all of humankind are,
for our own benefit.

Then we can cater to them,
and use them to our advantage,
as opposed to be overrun by them.

Additional information

Book version

Book Length

52 Pages from cover to cover

Category ,
SKU 9781521101506

THE WORLD IS IN upheaval. The good times

have given away to difficult times