
See Ya: Regarding the Downfall of American Society
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By: Pinchas Winston
Length: 136 pages

It is a common assumption that Mankind has advanced over the millennia in every way, scientifically, technologically, philosophically. It is also commonly assumed that religion was only necessary until man became sophisticated enough to reject it. But this may be the basis of modern man’s downfall. It always has been.

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See Ya: Regarding the Downfall of American Society – By Pinchas Winston

I GOT THE shock of my life the other day when I walked into my child’s Kindergarten class a little early and saw the teacher gagged, sitting down, and tied to a chair. All around her were the students, going about their business and oblivious to the bizarreness of the situation. Seemingly, they were now running the show.

So I asked my child, with a slight sense of alarm in my voice, “What’s going ON here?”

He answered me, rather calmly, “Well, we tried to explain to the teacher what WE thought was best for us, but she wouldn’t have any of it. She refused to even CONSIDER our suggestions, leaving us no option but to tie her to this chair and take control of the class.”

“Hmm,” I said, considering his words and their options. Then, after a moment, I told him, “Well, it makes good sense to me. I’ll just sit here quietly on the side and wait for the class to be over. Then we can go home together.”

My son smiled appreciatively, and returned to his friends. I looked over at the teacher who had this look of extreme concern on her face. She seemed to be trying to say something to me but, not understanding a word of it, I just smiled, sat down, and checked my phone for messages.

* * *

What’s wrong with this picture?


In a word, it’s ABSURD. It’s ABSURD that children of that age should even THINK like that, let alone successfully ACT on such ideas. It’s ABSURD that the father could see what was happening, and not stop it. It’s ABSURD that he should concur with the children, and ignore the pleas of the teacher to be restored to her rightful position. It might be an entertaining story, but it is clearly not a true one.

Unfortunately, the story IS partly true, but NOT entertaining in the least. It’s just that people don’t recognize the real story for what it is, because instead of Kindergarten-age children, it involves adults, full-grown people, who have highjacked society and imposed their OWN version of order on it. And everyone else just goes about their business like nothing is wrong.

There’s a reason for this. It’s because in the real life scenario, there seems to be no other choice. There doesn’t seem to be anyone smarter to do the job, or at least smarter AND willing to do the job, to take control and lead. It’s the Kindergarten situation, but without the teacher to direct the class.

The odd thing, and really the DANGEROUS thing, is that we deal with these people as if they ARE smart enough to properly execute their responsibilities. We respect them for wisdom they do not have, and hang on their every word as if they are all well-founded. We give them a benefit of doubt they rarely deserve.

By now it should be clear that we are talking about the politicians who run society. Not just the one’s we see or hear, but any of the people who have taken it upon themselves for whatever reason, noble or ignoble, to try and impact the direction of society. Pretty much all of them are in important places of responsibility, without the proper qualifications.

According to whom?

Good question. You can’t run for public office without meeting certain qualifications. You certainly cannot become leader of a country without meeting certain criteria. Even becoming the CEO of company requires specific adequacies and skill sets, without which a Board of Directors is likely to dismiss an applicant.

If the job description involves responsibility, we vet the candidates. The more responsibility there is, the more thoroughly they will be checked out. If they fit the bill, they can be in. If they don’t they can’t even get started, so according to whom are our leaders today not QUALIFIED?

It depends who you ask. The Right rejects leaders from the Left, and the Left likewise rejects leaders from the Right. The current President is currently rejected and considered unqualified for his job by members of BOTH parties. It’s a political mess that has spilled over into the media and most sectors of public life.

But this is really nothing new. Really. The problem is as old as mankind. It has existed ever since man was ejected from Paradise, and the truth is, even while he was still there. It’s just that the world has grown a lot over the millennia, and with it, the problem as well.

Blame it on the Jews. Why not? The world always does at some point. This time, however, they would be right. This time the world would be right, because God took the Jewish people out of Egypt with spectacular miracles to give them His Torah. He gave them His Torah so that they would educate the world about right and wrong, human potential, and the purpose of life, etc.

I am God; I called you for righteousness and I will strengthen your hand; and I formed you, and I made you for a people’s covenant, for a LIGHT UNTO NATIONS. (Yeshayahu 42:6)

But, sadly, the Jewish people have not done this, or at least not nearly as much as they were supposed to. So, even though the United Nations has engraved this verse on the side of their central headquarters, it was not to remind them or the Jewish people of their God-given destiny and responsibility. It is there to say that they believe that THEY are the light unto nations, NOT the Jewish people.

Wishful thinking. Current history certainly has not turned out that way. On the contrary, it has become a large collection of adult children whom, lacking a wise “teacher” have taken control of the society of which they have become a part, and tried to shape it in their image. The result is the misguided world we have before us today.

Understandably, many are oblivious to the problem and, to the contrary, see only progress and positive development. They resent being told that society is falling apart and doomed to fail, especially when they are part of the problem, and not part of its solution. What can be expected of people who reject the very source of knowledge that teaches what society SHOULD be like?

See ya. What else is there to say? So many other societies in the past have gone the same direction as the current one, and they felt the same about theirs as many feel about this one, and they’re LONG gone. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it fell apart quite quickly once it rotted on the inside, and its citizens chose not to intervene in the process.

The world today is driving at breakneck speed towards a cliff it can’t yet see. In the meantime, the few people who stand at the cliff’s edge and see Society coming, are screaming out to stop while there is still time. But they fear all they’ll be able to say is “See ya,”as Society realizes too late that it has pushed past the point of no return.

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