
Reincarnation Clarified
PDF Version
By: Pinchas Winston
Length: 100 pages

A classic work when it comes to the topic of reincarnation is the Arizal’s, “Sha’ar HaGilgulim,” the “Gate of Reincarnations.” Filled with fundamental ideas about personal rectification and the role reincarnation plays in the process, it is still quite inaccessible to many. This “short” book provides unique unprecedented access to many of those ideas, making personal rectification possible like never before.

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Reincarnation Clarified – By Pinchas Winston

About 10 years ago, a neighbor of mine came to my front door holding a thin black book.

“Here,” he said handing me the book,
“You can make better use of this than me.”

Not quite understanding what he meant at the time,
I politely took the book.

I thanked him, though I did not yet know for what,
and he turned around and went home.

Closing the door, I read the title:

Sha’ar Ha-Gilgulim—Gate of Reincarnations.

“Sounds interesting . . .
but not for now,”
I thought to myself,
placing the book on a shelf.

Months passed before I picked up the un-assuming book again.

Deciding to finally look at it while riding a bus,
I had no idea about the real journey I was about to begin.

Once I began, I could not stop.

I had never seen anything like it.

I had not yet known just how much there was to learn about personal tikun—rectification—and how to achieve it.

I have always enjoyed self-knowledge,
ut Sha’ar Ha-Gilgulim opened a door to a whole new level of it.

Equally fascinating and informative was the insight into history the book provided.

The more I learned,
the more I was in awe of the material.

It became clear to me that the knowledge had to be shared.

I thank God for that fateful day my neighbor lent me his copy of Sha’ar HaGilgulim,
and for all it has done for me and others since then.

I also thank Him for those who have shared my vision,
and have allowed me to do as much with this life-altering knowledge as I have to date.


Additional information

Book version

Book Length

100Pages from cover to cover

Category ,
SKU 9781520888804

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