
By: Rabbi Pinchas Winston
Book Length: 208 pages

Leshem: A Selection of Hashkofic Teachings From the Leshem Shevo v’Achlamah, Volume 3

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Leshem: A Selection of Hashkofic Teachings From the Leshem Shevo v’Achlamah, Volume 3 – By Rabbi Pinchas Winston

his is Volume 3 of translations of teachings from the works of Rabbi Shlomo Elyashiv, zt”l. As mentioned previously, Rabbi Shlomo Elyashiv was born in 1841 in Šiauliai, Lithuania, and later moved to Eretz Yisroel in 1922 with the help of his former student, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook. That is where the Leshem died at the age of 85 in 1926.

It is never straightforward translating from one language to another, let alone Kabbalah. Aside from the danger of misinterpretation, there is the even greater danger of misdirecting. The Leshem wrote what he did, as he did, to reveal the deeper, sublime truths of Torah, and for the glory of God, may His Name be blessed. A mistranslation of anything he has so painstakingly and precisely written is fearsome and weighs heavy on me all the time, and I ask, therefore, forgiveness from the Leshem, his family, and anyone who learns this sefer, for my errors.

It is not false humility to say that I believe myself completely unworthy of this task. The only reason I have endeavored to share a small amount of the unfathomable wisdom of the Leshem with others is to provide a brief glimpse of the sublime awesomeness of God’s Torah, to Whom I am eternally grateful for somewhat sharing with me.

I have to say that my avodah was made easier, and certainly more accurate, because of the proficient help and support of Rav Michoel Boruch, may he live a long and productive life, b”H. His knowledge of Hebrew, English, and Kabbalah, a rare combination of attributes, made him the perfect editor of my work. May his involvement in this sefer and the others he has contributed to be only a blessing for he and his family.

I would also like to personally thank Alexander Zissel Ellinson of CIS International Book Distributors for his commitment to help me share the writings the Leshem and Arizal with the English-speaking audience. May he be successful in all of his work to spread the light of Torah.

I conclude with a warning. Shlomo HaMelech has told us, “The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God” (Mishlei 9:10). Kabbalah is called Chochmas HaEmes, the Wisdom of the Truth. Is there any other? Tragically yes, when fear of God is missing from the person who pursues it. Then, what is meant to be the means to build worlds and partner with God in Tikun Olam becomes just the opposite, God forbid.


Rabbah bar Rav Huna said: A person who has Torah but does not have fear of Heaven is like a treasurer to whom they gave keys to the inner doors of the treasury but not the keys to the outer door. With what key will he enter? (Shabbos 31a)


Although the Torah is the inner key, a person cannot access the truth of Torah without fear of God, as it further says:


The Holy One, Blessed is He, only created His world so that people would fear Him, as it says: “God has made it that men should fear before Him” (Koheles 3:14). (Shabbos 31b)


Thus, not only is the beginning of wisdom the fear of God, but it must be the goal of wisdom as well.


Chapter 1

We will speak somewhat about a very deep matter. We begin by saying that everything we said about the levels of God’s light, may His Name be blessed, that He emanates and clothes in the world of Beriyah, Yetzirah, and Asiyah are the tzurah of the tzurah of Beriyah, Yetzirah, and Asiyah. That is, [it is] the soul of the soul of Beriyah, Yetzirah, and Asiyah. The level of Elohus—Godliness—is clothed there.

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