
By: Rabbi Pinchas Winston
Book Length: 277 pages

Leshem: A Selection of Hashkofic Teachings From the Leshem Shevo v’Achlamah According to the Weekly Torah Reading

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Leshem: A Selection of Hashkofic Teachings From the Leshem Shevo v’Achlamah According to the Weekly Torah Reading – By Rabbi Pinchas Winston

he Leshem teaches that we are here to recognize, reveal, and praise God, so that must always be the first order of business. The problem is not knowing where to start or end. So I thank Hashem Yisborach for every kindness, those of which I am aware and those of which I am not yet aware and, in particular, for the merit of learning and teaching from the Leshem.

This is the fourth and last sefer in this series of translations of some of the teachings of the Leshem, Rabbi Shlomo Elyashiv, zt”l. It was actually the first to be written, long before I had in mind to publish the first three volumes. This is why there is some overlap with previous volumes, though slight and with significant edits as relevant to the parsha.

Obviously, the Leshem did not arrange his material according to the weekly parsha. That was my doing once I realized how many references there were to Torah portions, some more direct than others, and if not an actual verse, then an idea or theme. At the very least, the parsha becomes a legitimate way for a person to become more aware of a kabbalistic principle.

As always, I am compelled to ask forgiveness from the Leshem, his family, and anyone who learns this sefer for any errors on my part. The only reason I endeavor to share this small amount of the unfathomable wisdom of the Leshem with others is to spiritually enhance their lives. As the Vilna Gaon explains in his commentary on Sifra D’Tzniusa, Creation exists as a means to reveal God’s thinking, and I pray my work contributes to that.

As in the past, my avodah has been made easier and certainly more accurate because of the proficient help and support of Rav Michoel Boruch, may he live a long and productive life, b”H. His knowledge of Hebrew, English, and Kabbalah, a rare combination of attributes, has always been a gift for me. May his involvement only be a blessing for he and his family.

Again, I thank Alexander Zissel Ellinson of CIS International Book Distributors for his commitment helping me share the writings of the Leshem with the world. May he be successful in all of his work to spread the light of Torah.

Thank you Y.P. for all of your support throughout the many years.

It is always important to remember, especially when learning seforim like the Leshem, what Shlomo HaMelech told us: “The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God” (Mishlei 9:10). Torah is the key to a truly meaningful life, but a person cannot access the truth of Torah without first having fear of God. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God, but it must be the goal of wisdom as well.


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