
Geulah b’Rachamim Volume Program 2
PDF Version
By: Pinchas Winston
Length: 148 pages

This is the second volume of the Geulah b’Rachamim Program. Volume One focused on the sources that are the basis for this program. There is also a series of essays clarifying important issues to do with redemption, and the role we can play in bringing it about—mercifully. Volume Two picks up where the previous one left off. It is an additional series of essays meant to provide the necessary perspective on our current period of history, vis-à-vis the imminent Final Redemption. It is crucial, especially at this time of history, to invest in redemption. This book explains why.


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Geulah b’Rachamim Program, Volume 2 – By Pinchas Winston

IT HAS BEEN 2,330 years since the Era of Prophecy ended. It had lasted for 1,000 years, beginning with the giving of Torah at Mt. Sinai in 2448, or 1313 BCE. After the direct connection to God ended, it was only a matter of time before God became, for many, more a concept than a reality.

The same thing was true of Torah. It was received by the very same people about whom it spoke. You can’t be more real than that. Future generations, for a millennium, had prophets to help them stay connected to Torah, keeping it real in their minds and hearts.

Once prophecy ended though, it was up to the people themselves to keep Torah feeling relevant. Torah history no longer seemed personal, and prophets no longer lived to make it that way. As time went on, and exile and persecution took a heavy toll in our national Torah consciousness, belief in Torah and its promises became strictly a matter of emunah—faith.

Over the last couple of millennia, not everyone has had such faith, or has been able to maintain it. Even many of those who have faith in Torah as the direct word of God have a difficult time being convinced of its promises of eventual national redemption. It is hard to relate to something so amazing and outside of one’s personal experience.

If this is true during times when people are desperate for redemption, how much more so is it true when they already feel redeemed, as in current times. For the first time in thousands of years Jews enjoy unparalleled equality and material success, and it has made Moshiach and redemption, for many of them, superfluous, or even unwanted.

While such an attitude may slow redemption from coming, it doesn’t stop it. The Final Redemption MUST happen, with or without the support of the Jewish people. The only difference will be whether or not the threshold to “Geulah Shlaimah” is a catastrophic war of Gog and Magog spoken about in the prophets, or a peaceful and merciful transition to a much better time.

Apparently the choice is ours. This book, Volume 2 from the “Geulah b’Rachamim Program,” is designed to help those who take the time to learn it make the better choice. The Final Redemption waits for us. It is high time we learned to anxiously wait for it.

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