
FUNDAMENTALS OF REINCARNATION – On Line course By Pinchas Winston


 Pinchas Winston

Rabbi, International Writer and Lecturer

Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Pinchas Winston moved to Israel in 1993. With a background in graphic design, he was originally on track to become an architect. Taking a break from university in 1981, he traveled to a yeshivah in Jerusalem in pursuit of a deeper and more philosophical understanding of life and history, one of his favorite topics. He never looked back, and after years of studying, he received rabbinic ordination in 1988, after which he began to teach, write, and lecture internationally.

Rabbi Winston is the author of over 55 books on various topics of Jewish philosophy. This includes an English translation of the classic work, “Sha’ar HaGilgulim,” or “Gate of Reincarnations,” by the famed Kabbalist, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, or the “Arizal.” Most of the titles can be found in different formats in his online bookstore at his site

Pinchas Winston, since 1993, has been the author of “Perceptions,” an insightful essay on the weekly Torah reading ( He has also published countless other essays on various different topics of interest, including unique Torah perspectives on current events. He is well known for presenting mystical and often complicated Torah ideas in a lucid and accessible manner, even for the student of little Torah background.


Reincarnation, the idea of souls returning in different lifetimes, is an extremely mystical and fascinating topic. Why is reincarnation necessary? How does it work? Does a person remember who he or she was in previous lifetimes? How does reincarnation affect one’s current life? What about soul mates?

These are just some of the many questions people ask regarding the topic, and which will be answered in this highly informative and illuminating course, based upon the authoritative work of the famous Kabbalist, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, “Sha’ar HaGilgulim,” or the “Gate of Reincarnations.” This course is an extensive overview of fundamentals and key points concerning reincarnation from a traditional Jewish perspective, and how it affects life and history.

The course will also explains mystical concepts such as the “Sefiros,” the basis of all of spiritual and physical existence, and the five levels of each individual soul. It will also make clear how education plays a key role in personal development and self-fulfillment, and specifically certain kinds of learning. As an entertaining bonus, this course will also detail some of the more famous reincarnations from past history.

As a gift for completing the course, along with your completion certificate, I will send you a digital copy of my book Reincarnation Clarified: Fundamentals of Reincarnation and Personal Rectification