
Geulah b’Rachamim Program V1
PDF Version
By: Pinchas Winston
Length: 146 pages

Jewish history has not been an easy ride. There have been redemptions, but always at a cost. Great miracles have freed the Jewish people, but only after difficult exiles. In fact, some say that redemption is not possible WITHOUT the suffering. If so, then why should a Jew look forward to the Final Redemption? It will come anyhow, but at what price? The more important question is, is there anything the Jewish people can do to mitigate the situation? The answer is, YES. The harder question to answer is, WILL WE? Or, will we just follow in the painful footsteps of previous generations? It remains to be seen. But, this program is designed to give as many Jews as possible an upper hand.


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Geulah b’Rachamim Program V1 – By Rabbi Pinchas Winston