Mindfulness Torah and Redemption, Webinar

Session Four: Taking Control

18 May 8:15 pm

Mindfulness, Torah, and Redemption
Session Four: Taking Control

God willing, I am about to complete a new book called: “Mindfulness, Torah, and Redemption: The Mindful Approach to Personal and National Redemption,” which should be available in Softcover, Kindle, and PDF versions. To help promote this new material, which becomes increasingly relevant with each passing day, I will be offering a four-part seminar on consecutive Mondays nights, beginning this Monday night, april 27 at 4 pm. Each session will be 60 mins, b”H.

April 27, 8 pm/1 pm EST: Living In the Moment
May 4, 8:15 pm/1:15 pm EST: Torah Mindfulness
May 11, 8:15 pm1:15 pm EST: Mindfulness & Redemption
May 18, 8:151:15 pm EST: The Complete Package


  • Summary of Concepts
  • Taking Personal Control
  • Five Step Process
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