THE END OF the Torah also means the end of Moshe Rabbeinu’s life. Everyone knows that he was a great person, but it is worth adding a few more words about just how great he was.
THE END OF the Torah also means the end of Moshe Rabbeinu’s life. Everyone knows that he was a great person, but it is worth adding a few more words about just how great he was.
On one hand, what’s the big deal? I do that every week when I write on Sunday for Shabbos, or even for next week already. We’re constantly making plans today for tomorrow. Nothing seems futuristic about that other than the fact that we’re planning for the future.
WITH THE YEAR since October 7 coming to an end soon and the dark events of that day still very fresh in our minds, I am going to (hesitatingly) share something I came across last Shabbos, b”H. I don’t know how much, if any, comfort it will provide, especially for those directly affected by the…
THE DAYS ARE passing very quickly and Rosh Hashanah is fast approaching. As in the old days, it is making people uptight.
The last halachah in the parsha right before the one to eradicate the memory of Amalek is to always have legal weights. Why the juxtaposition?