
Perceptions, Special Issue: Pesach – By Pinchas Winston EVERY YEAR WHEN we celebrate Pesach and follow the Haggadah, we arrive at the part of the story where we are reminded once again that “every Jew has to regard himself as if he TOO left Egypt.” AS IF, and only AS IF, because clearly we have…

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AS PREDICTED THE food ran out. As predicted, Yosef’s 10 brothers who had kidnapped him had returned to Egypt for more. And, as demanded by the viceroy of Egypt, they had returned with the 12th brother, Binyomin.

parashas lech lecha issue 819

Parashas Vayaishev, Issue #825   Once Revealed, Twice Concealed, Chapter 4. TRUE OR FALSE: a candle burns brightest in the dark? The answer is, from the candle’s point of view, no. It burns the same way in the light as it does in the dark. From a person’s point of view, yes, because as the…

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Parashas Vayaitzai, Issue #823   YA’AKOV AVINU WAS forced to quickly leave town after taking Eisav’s blessings. Eisav may have hidden his hatred from everyone around him, but the Torah tells us that he was bent on revenge. Rivka got wind of this and promptly sent Ya’akov packing to her brother Lavan in Padan Aram…. Membership Membership Logo

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Front Cover - Sha'ar HaPesukim - Bereishis - By Rabbi Pinchas Winston


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