There are basically two types of mitzvos, mishpatim and chukim, or judgments and statutes
There are basically two types of mitzvos, mishpatim and chukim, or judgments and statutes
Rebi Levi bar Chama says in the name of Rebi Shimon ben Lakish: “A person should always incite the yetzer tov to fight against the yetzer hara” (Brochos 5a).
The heel is something we take for granted…until we hurt it. Toes too, but since a heel carries the brunt of a person’s weight each time they step on it, a sore heel makes it very difficult to walk normally.
WHAT DOES IT mean, “patience is a virtue”? As opposed to what? Sure, patience is not the easiest to acquire and often seems lacking in the world,
THE SIMPLE FACT is that man is, by definition, a religious being. No matter how secular he tries to be, a person needs to believe in something more powerful than they are or life becomes hopeless. We require a cause worthy of getting out of bed each morning.