888 Vayikra _ All In Your Mind.pdf

Parashas Vayikra, Issue #888 / Book Showcase: All In Your Mind – By Pinchas Winston A burnt offering of cattle must be an unblemished male, brought to gain acceptance, before God by the entrance of the Appointed Tent.  (Vayikra 1:3)   ELAZER STOOD BY the opening of his tent. He wasn’t a kohen, or even…


Parashas Pekuday-Chazak #887 / Book Showcase: Redemption to Redemption – By Pinchas Winston This is the accounting of the Mishkan—the Tabernacle of Testimony—as requested by Moshe of the Levites, under the guidance of Itamar, the son of Aharon the priest. (Shemos 38:21)   WITH THE FINAL parsha of Sefer Shemos, we conclude the discussion about…

885 Ki Sisa - By Pinchas Winston

Parashas Ki Sisa, Issue #885 – By Pinchas Winston “And you, speak to the Children of Israel and say: ‘Only keep My Shabbosos! For it is a sign between Me and you for your generations, to know that I, God, make you holy.’” (Shemos 31:13) SHABBOS POPS UP a few times in the Torah, including…

884 Tetzaveh / CTD #17 - By Pinchas Winston

AS RASHI EXPLAINED in last week’s parsha, the Aron was comprised of three boxes, one within each other. The outer most box was made of a thin layer of gold, as was the innermost one. These two boxes sandwiched a thicker, inner box made of wood, which certainly made it lighter and easier to carry. Membership Membership Logo

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