893 Acharei _ Need to Know.pdf

Parashas Acharei, Issue #893 / Book Showcase: Need to Know – By Pinchas Winston Aharon shall enter the Holy with this: with a young bull for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering. (Vayikra 16:3) THE SUSPENSE IS killing me!” Zevulun told his friend Naphtali. “It seems like he’s been in there…


Parashas Metzora, Issue #892 / Book Showcase: Video Series – By Pinchas Winston God told Moshe, “This is the law of the metzora on the day he is to be declared ritually clean.” (Vayikra 14:1-2)   HE HAD KNOWN it even before the kohen returned. “I can’t believe it,” Michah said to himself, “but it…

891 Tazria _ In Discussion Series - By Pinchas Winston

If a person has upon his skin a white blotch, discoloration or spot and it is suspected of being a mark of the tzara’as affliction upon his skin, he shall be brought to Aharon Ha-Kohen, or one of his children the kohanim. (Vayikra 13:2)


Parashas Shemini, Issue #890 / Book Showcase: How It Might Play Out – By Pinchas Winston Nadav and Avihu, sons of Aharon, took their incense pans and put fire and incense in them, and offered an unauthorized fire before God, which He did not command them to do. A fire went out from before God…


Parashas Tzav, Issue #889 / Book Showcase: Purim Lite – By Pinchas Winston He [Moshe] slaughtered it. Moshe took some of its blood, and put it on the tip of Aharon’s right ear… (Vayikra 8:23)   IT WAS HIS third time practicing it. He got it right the second time, but there was something special… Membership Membership Logo

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