Parashas Bamidbar, Issue #898 A Little Perspective, #3.pdf

Parashas Bamidbar, Issue #898 / A Little Perspective, #3 – By Pinchas Winston God spoke to Moshe in the Sinai Desert… (Bamidbar 1:1) THE JEWISH PEOPLE became a nation in Egypt, primarily during intense slavery. Pharaoh tried to reduce our ranks through life-draining servitude, but we grew in great numbers instead. Then we spent 40…


Parashas Bechukosai, Issue #897 – By Pinchas Winston However, if you will not listen to Me, and do all of these commandments… (Vayikra 26:14)   NUMBERS ARE JUST numbers, except when tattooed on the arm of an old Jew. The sleeves of his designer shirt were rolled up, just enough to reveal most of the…

Parashas Behar, Issue #896 – By Pinchas Winston

Parashas Behar, Issue #896 – By Pinchas Winston God spoke to Moshe on Mount Sinai, saying… (Vayikra 19:3)   MOUNT SINAI. AT least that is what people call the 7,497 ft. moderately high mountain in the Sinai region. It’s not the tallest mountain in the area, but THAT, according to the Midrash, was EXACTLY why…

Parashas Emor, Issue #895 CTD A Little Perspective, 2.pdf

Parashas Emor, Issue #895 / CTD: A Little Perspective, 2 – By Pinchas Winston   God told Moshe, “Speak to the kohanim, the descendants of Aharon…” (Vayikra 21:1) Rebi Yehoshua from Sichnin said in the name of Rebi Levi, “We learn that The Holy One, Blessed is He, showed Moshe each generation and its wise…


Parashas Kedoshim, Issue #894 / CTD: A Little Perspective – By Pinchas Winston Every man shall fear his mother and his father… (Vayikra 19:3)   GIGGLES COULD BE heard across the room. Even her morah smiled. She hadn’t meant it to be a funny question, but 14-year old Devorah always had a way of saying… Membership Membership Logo

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