
Dedicated in LOVING memory of my father, Yisroel Ya’akov ben Tzvi, z”l. May his Neshamah have aliyah after aliyah, and may he be a meilitz yoshar for Klal Yisroel. Parashas Chukas, Issue #903 – By Pinchas Winston This is the statute of the Torah which God commanded… (Bamidbar 19:2) PARASHAS CHUKAS IS not considered to…

Parashas Korach, Issue #902.pdf

Parashas Korach, Issue #902 – By Pinchas Winston Korach the son of Itzhar, the son of Kohas, the son of Levi took [himself to one side]…(Bamidbar 13:2) THE LAST MISHNAH in Tractate Sotah, speaking about the End-of-Days, mentions that chutzpah will increase. The truth is, when has chutzpah NEVER been rampant? Nevertheless, chutzpah will be…

Parashas Shlach, Issue #901.pdf

Parashas Shlach, Issue #901 – By Pinchas Winston Send out for yourself men who will scout the Land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Children of Israel… (Bamidbar 13:2) A FRIEND OF mine told me a story the other day about a friend of his. He told me that when his friend came…


Parashas BeHa’alosecha, Issue #900 – By Pinchas Winston   God told Moshe, “Speak to Aharon, and tell him that when he lights up the menorah—beha’alosecha, the seven lamps should illuminate towards the menorah.” (Bamidbar 8:1-2) IT’S EITHER UP or down. There is no neutral ground in the spiritual world, except for angels. They’re called “Omdim,”…

Parashas Naso_Issue #899_ A Little Perspective_ 4.pdf

Parashas Naso, Issue #899 / A Little Perspective, #4 – By Pinchas Winston Nachshon, the son of Aminadav of the tribe of Yehudah offered on the first day, He offered one silver dish … (Bamidbar 7:12-13)   THE REDEMPTION BEGINS on Pesach, but it ends on Shavuos. This is another reason we read Megillas Rus… Membership Membership Logo

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