Parashas Devarim, Issue #908 – By Pinchas Winston

Parashas Devarim, Issue #908 – By Pinchas Winston These are the words which Moshe spoke to all Israel on that side of the Jordan in the desert, in the plain opposite the Red Sea, between Paran and Tofel and Lavan and Hazeroth and Di Zahav.. (Devarim 1:1) IF A TREE falls in a forest and no one is…

Parashas Massey, Issue #907.pdf

Parashas Massey, Issue #907 – By Pinchas Winston When you arrive in the land of Canaan, this is the land which shall fall to you as an inheritance, the land of Canaan according to its borders. (Bamidbar 31:1-2) IN THIS WEEK’S parsha the Torah speaks about the borders of Eretz Yisroel. This is important for…

Parashas Mattos, Issue #906.pdf

Parashas Mattos, Issue #906 – By Pinchas Winston God spoke to Moshe, saying, “Take revenge for the Children of Israel against the Midianites…” (Bamidbar 31:1-2) I REMEMBER BEING somewhere, and noticing a person who just did not belong. It was hard NOT to notice him, since he was so rude and obnoxious. It really bothered…

Parashas Pinchas, Issue #905 - By Pinchas Winston.pdf

Parashas Pinchas, Issue #905 – By Pinchas Winston Pinchas the son of Elazar the son of Aharon the kohen has turned My anger away from the Children of Israel by his zealously avenging Me among them… (Bamidbar 25:11) NO MATTER HOW many times I try to have my name spelled on official Israeli documents WITH…

Parashas Balak, Issue #904.pdf

Parashas Balak, Issue #904 – By Pinchas Winston How can I curse whom God has not cursed, and how can I invoke wrath if God has not been angered? (Bamidbar 23:8) BDS HAS ITS origins in this week’s parsha. “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” is an Arab-led initiative to force Israel to surrender land that really… Membership Membership Logo

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