
Parashas Ki Seitzei, Issue #913 – By Pinchas Winston If you go out to war against your enemies… (Devarim 21:10) IT’S REALLY QUITE amazing when you think about it, how the idea of war is such an ACCEPTED part of mankind’s history. Not always a WANTED part of history, but accepted, yes. What can we…


Parashas Shoftim, Issue #912 – Pinchas Winston You shall set up judges and law enforcement officials for yourself in all your cities.… (Devarim 16:18) PARASHAS SHOFTIM IS a reminder that the Torah we have now is not the Torah we’ll have in Yemos HaMoshiach onward. We lost that level of Torah when Moshe Rabbeinu broke…


Parashas Re’eh, Issue #911 – By Pinchas Winston See that I place before you this day a blessing and a curse… (Devarim 11:26) IT’S A COMMON expression in probably all languages. A person can be talking to someone for a while, and all of a sudden, in order to make a point, they’ll say, “Look…”…

Parashas Aikev, Issue #910 - By Pinchas Winstonn.pdf

This week’s Perceptions is dedicated in loving memory of my son, Avraham Eliezer ben Natan, z”l. May his Neshamah have an aliyah… V.K. (Jerusalem) Parashas Aikev, Issue #910 – By Pinchas Winston …and you will say to yourself, “My strength and the might of my hand that has accumulated this wealth for me.” (Devarim 8:17)…

Parashas VaEschanan, Issue #909

Parashas VaEschanan, Issue #909 – By Pinchas Winston You have been shown, in order to KNOW that God He is God; there is none else besides Him. (Devarim 4:35) IT IS AMAZING the difference that knowledge makes. I realize this is an obvious thing to say, since everything in life depends upon what we know…. Membership Membership Logo

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