Parashas Vagiash, Issue #928

IT IS REALLY quite amazing how many situations in life become incredibly disastrous, only to have a happy ending after all is said-and-done. It doesn’t mean that people do not suffer along the way to the “happy ending,” but better they suffer for a positive outcome, than for a negative one. 

Parashas Mikeitz-Chanukah, Issue #927 - By Pinchas Winston

CHANUKAH WAS THE last Jewish holiday to be established. Purim had become a holiday 189 years earlier because of the miraculous victory over the Persians, and Chanukah was the response to the miraculous victory over the Greeks. 

Parashas Vayaishev-Chanukah, Issue 926

Elohim is the reality of Divine light that permeates the level of Creation that EVERYONE sees. Hovayah is the reality of Divine light that permeates all of Creation that FEW people ever merit to see. In other words, Elohim is like the body, the kli—vessel, and Hovayah is the soul, the inner light that fills it. Which brings us to shemen zayis. There is the shemen, and then there is the zayis. The zayis, which is very BITTER, really can’t be eaten unless it is first pickled. The oil is fruit of the fruit that cannot be used unless first EXTRACTED from the olive. But after having done that, it can be kindled to produce brilliant LIGHT, brilliant PREVIOUSLY HIDDEN light.

Parashas Vayishlach, Issue #925 - By Pinchas Winston

Parashas Vayishlach, Issue #925 – By Pinchas Winston And he said, “Your name shall no longer be called ‘Ya’akov,’ but ‘Yisroel,’ because you struggled with [an angel of] God and with men, and you have prevailed.” (Bereishis 32:29) THE WORLD IS divided between those who CAN see, and those who CANNOT. The first group includes…

Parashas Vayaitzai, Issue #924

Parashas Vayaitzai, Issue #924 – By Pinchas Winston And he heard the words of Lavan’s sons, saying, “Ya’akov has taken all that belonged to our father, and from what belonged to our father, he has amassed this entire fortune.” (Bereishis 31:1) I WAS “TREATED” last week to a video clip of some right-wing church newscaster… Membership Membership Logo

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