Parashas Ki Sisa, Issue #938 - By Pinchas Winston

When you take the sum of the Children of Israel according to their numbers, let each one give to God an atonement for his soul when they are counted. Then there will be no plague among them when they are counted. (Shemos 30:12)

Parashas Tetzaveh-Zachor, Issue #937 – By Pinchas Winston

Parashas Tetzaveh-Zachor, Issue #937 – By Pinchas Winston

IT IS SUCH a difficult thing to be real with. Suffering is good. There are countless Torah sources that tell us this, and on paper, it makes good sense…


Parashas Terumah, Issue #936 – By Pinchas Winston.

AS I WALKED home from Mincha today as I normally do at this time, I was confronted once again by a large construction crane. It’s been there for a least a half a year, if not longer. It’s beyond my street and down a hill somewhat where they are in the middle of building new apartments. So, from my street, I only see the upper two-thirds of it, making it seem a lot closer.

Parashas MishpatimShekalim, Issue #935

Parashas Mishpatim/Shekalim, Issue #935 – By Pinchas Winston And these are the ordinances that you shall set before them.… (Shemos 21:1) THIS SHABBOS IS Parashas Shekalim, because next week is Rosh Chodesh Adar, b”H. We are now heading in the direction of Purim (and Pesach), and these “extra” parshios are designed to help us. On…

Parashas Yisro, Issue #934

Parashas Yisro, Issue #934 – By Pinchas Winston Moshe ascended to God, and God called to him from the mountain, saying, “You shall say to the house of Ya’akov and tell the sons of Israel… (Shemos 19:3) ON A RECENT trip to the United States, a book cover caught my eye in an airport store…. Membership Membership Logo

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Front Cover - Sha'ar HaPesukim - Bereishis - By Rabbi Pinchas Winston


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