Parashas Tazria-Metzora, Issue #943

Parashas Tazria-Metzora, Issue #943 – By Pinchas Winston
But, if the kohen looks at it, and there is no white hair in the baheres, and it is not lower than the skin and it is dim, the kohen shall quarantine him for seven days. (Vayikra 13:26)

Parashas Shemini, Issue #942

Aharon’s sons, Nadav and Avihu, each took his pan, put fire in them, and placed incense upon it, and they brought foreign fire before God, which He had not commanded them. (Vayikra10:1)

Parashas Tzav-HaGadol, Issue #941

Parashas Tzav-HaGadol, Issue #941 – By Pinchas Winston.

IT IS HARD to live constantly aware. It is very taxing and often quite overwhelming. We have a difficult enough time just consciously focusing on the really important matters in life, let alone the everyday ones as well. Thank God for the unconscious mind…which basically handles about 80-90 percent of a person’s day!


Parashas Vayikra, Issue #940 – By Pinchas Winston

LIFE IS EXTREMELY complicated and so phenomenally complex. And yet, it all comes does to only ONE thing, one’s relationship with God. Is it good? Is it bad? Are you close to or distant from Him. Anything and everything else is secondary to these questions.

Parashas Vayakhel-Pekuday, Issue #939

Parashas Vayakhel-Pekuday, Issue #939 – By Pinchas Winston.

I HAD A tangerine for breakfast this morning, and it was quite the KABBALISTIC experience. To begin with, it looked perfect, the color, the shape, everything about it. It was largish, so it also looked easy to peel. And I wasn’t disappointed once I actually ate it, because it tasted every… Membership Membership Logo

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