AND YA’AKOV LEFT Be’er Sheva, never to come back again. Never to come back? He comes back to Be’er Sheva and his family 36 years later, family, possessions, and all, in Parashas Vayishlach!
AND YA’AKOV LEFT Be’er Sheva, never to come back again. Never to come back? He comes back to Be’er Sheva and his family 36 years later, family, possessions, and all, in Parashas Vayishlach!
THE TALMUD RECOUNTS a dialogue that took place between Rebi Yehudah HaNasi, the compiler of the Mishnah, and the Roman leader, Antoninus:
THE OLD HAS made way for the new. Sarah Imeinu has moved on to a higher realm, passing on the mantle of matriarch-hood to soon-to-be Rivka Imeinu, though they never had a chance to meet. It’s not until after her passing that Avraham sends Eliezer off in search of Yitzchak’s soul mate.
PROBABLY THE VAST majority of people who have made history did not know they were doing it at the time. First of all, they may not have lived long enough to see the impact of their actions.
SOMETIMES WHERE YOU say something is important to what you say. “Let’s go somewhere else and discuss this,” a person might say if their surroundings do not seem appropriate for what they need to discuss.