CLEARLY GOD had been messing with Pharaoh, big time. First, He gave Pharaoh the impression that the Jewish people were only going to take a three-day leave of absence,
CLEARLY GOD had been messing with Pharaoh, big time. First, He gave Pharaoh the impression that the Jewish people were only going to take a three-day leave of absence,
As in the days of your exodus from the land of Egypt, I will show him wonders. (Michah 7:15)
IF PHARAOH had actually been the same king who did know Yosef, but who chose to ignore Yosef’s contributions to Egypt, he sure went to the other extreme.
SOMETIMES THE obvious isn’t. Sometimes it is very deep, even crucial for understanding something important, perhaps even lifesaving.
But his father refused, and he said, “I know, my son, I know; he too will become a people, and he too will be great. But his younger brother will be greater than he, and his children will fill the nations.” (Bereishis 48:19)