IT WAS just on Parashas Mishpatim that we read the section about Machatzis HaShekel as Maftir for Parashas Shekalim.
IT WAS just on Parashas Mishpatim that we read the section about Machatzis HaShekel as Maftir for Parashas Shekalim.
MOST OF the Jewish world will celebrate Purim on Erev Shabbos, the 14th of Adar. Shabbos itself however will be Purim for Jews living in cities that were walled back at
PARASHAS ZACHOR is the Maftir of Para-shas Tetzaveh except, like this year, it is a Purim Meshulash.
IF YOU don’t have your health, then you have nothing. At least that is what I have heard many people say over the years, and it does ring true.
YISRO WAS quite the character. In modern-day terms, he’d be one of those multi-faceted personalities with a foot in all kinds of worlds.