Parashas Vayaishev, Issue #974

So his brothers said to him, “Will you reign over us, or will you govern us?” And they continued further to hate him on account of his dreams and on account of his words.. (Bereishis 37:8)

Parashas Vayaitzai, Issue #972

AND YA’AKOV LEFT Be’er Sheva, never to come back again. Never to come back? He comes back to Be’er Sheva and his family 36 years later, family, possessions, and all, in Parashas Vayishlach!

Parashas Toldos, Issue #971 - By Rabbi Pinchas Winston

THE TALMUD RECOUNTS a dialogue that took place between Rebi Yehudah HaNasi, the compiler of the Mishnah, and the Roman leader, Antoninus:

Parashas Chaye Sarah, Issue #970 - By Rabbi Pinchas Winston

THE OLD HAS made way for the new. Sarah Imeinu has moved on to a higher realm, passing on the mantle of matriarch-hood to soon-to-be Rivka Imeinu, though they never had a chance to meet. It’s not until after her passing that Avraham sends Eliezer off in search of Yitzchak’s soul mate. Membership Membership Logo

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Front Cover - Sha'ar HaPesukim - Bereishis - By Rabbi Pinchas Winston


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