IT WAS QUITE the job taking care of the Mishkan. It was one thing to have to assemble and then disassemble it every time the camp changed location.
IT WAS QUITE the job taking care of the Mishkan. It was one thing to have to assemble and then disassemble it every time the camp changed location.
WE GENERALLY READ Parashas Bamidbar in advance of the holiday of Shavuos. To begin with, Kabbalas Hatorah was a desert experience.
ON ONE HAND I’d rather not talk about it, especially so soon after it happened. I do not know all the facts, nor can we know all of them
LAG B’OMER IS finally here, b”H. Four weeks have gone by since the Seder, and we can finally get haircuts and listen to music, perhaps while making huge bonfires and eating barbecued food.
PERCEPTION IS EVERYTHING. It’s the difference between recognizing great opportunity and overlooking it.