IMAGINE HIKING OUT in the wilderness and coming across a small puddle. Where did the water come from? Intrigued…
IMAGINE HIKING OUT in the wilderness and coming across a small puddle. Where did the water come from? Intrigued…
ABOUT FORTY YEARS ago I had what was to be my first of four hernia operations.
The Talmud relates that God will make a seudah for tzaddikim in the World-to-Come, and when it comes time to bentch after the meal, He will offer the Kos shel Brochah to Avraham.
WHAT IS A false prophet? It’s when someone tells you that you made money in the stock market, but they got it wrong.
EVEN THOUGH THERE is a full week of Bein HaZmanim left before everyone returns to yeshivah and kollel, this week’s parsha kind of cuts it short a bit.