THE TALMUD RELATES how Eliezer, Avraham’s servant, went to Sdom and what it was like for him (Sanhedrin 109b).
THE TALMUD RELATES how Eliezer, Avraham’s servant, went to Sdom and what it was like for him (Sanhedrin 109b).
A PERSON IS either coming or going in life. We come into the world at birth, and from that point onward we’re on the way out
IT IS VERY insightful that so many different societies believe in Afterlife, and have for so long. In fact, the only part of society that does not is the
AFTER THE DEATH and burial of Sarah, Avraham returned to the matter at hand, marrying of her only son, Yitzchak.
IN LAST WEEK’S parsha, Sarah told Avraham to have a child through her help maid, Hagar.