
THE WHOLE THING is rather bizarre. We don’t think so because we’re used to the idea that we were once enslaved in Egypt, and then miraculously rescued from there.

Parashas Vayigash, Issue #1025

Parashas Vayigash, Issue #1025 – By Rabbi Pinchas Winston Friday Night THE BIG PICTURE Zoominar continues this Tuesday, b”H. You can register at any time by writing to [email protected]. IT’S TIME TO talk about achdus again. This is the parsha of the reunion of the entire family after turning around from the brink of collapse….

Parashas Vayaishev, Issue #1023

Parashas Vayaishev, Issue #1023 – By Rabbi Pinchas Winston Friday Night THE BIG PICTURE Zoominar is off to a good start, b”H. Session #2 is this Tuesday, b”H. You can register at any time by writing to [email protected]. There are so many instances in which Rashi points something out we would have otherwise missed because… Membership Membership Logo

New Arrival

Front Cover - Sha'ar HaPesukim - Bereishis - By Rabbi Pinchas Winston


Geulah b'Rachamim - Front Cover

Parshat Hashavua Newsletter