WHEN I WATCH a conductor lead an orchestra, I always wonder what he is actually doing.
WHEN I WATCH a conductor lead an orchestra, I always wonder what he is actually doing.
WHEN MOSHE RABBEINU asked to see God’s glory in last week’s parsha (Shemos 33:18), what was he really asking?
After the dust literally settles from the incident of the golden calf (Moshe ground it down to dust and added it to water to have people drink to prove their guilt or innocence)
IN A REGULAR year this Shabbos we would read Parashas Zachor, the second of the four special readings before and after Purim. It’s when we recall Amalek’s first attack against the Jewish people on their way to Mt. Sinai and the receiving of Torah.
The Ba’al HaTurim points out that the word terumah is the word Torah with a Mem, which equals 40. This teaches us that only those who learn Torah given in 40 days can eat terumah.