THERE IS A mitzvah, in this week’s parsha, of not placing a stumbling block before the blind. It is not talking about an actual stumbling block before a person who is actually blind.
THERE IS A mitzvah, in this week’s parsha, of not placing a stumbling block before the blind. It is not talking about an actual stumbling block before a person who is actually blind.
THE YEAR MAY will be keeping eight days of Pesach whether they live in the Diaspora or Eretz Yisroel. Since Shevi’i shel Pesach is on a Friday this year
WE HAVE FINALLY arrived at Shabbos HaGadol, b”H. We have also arrived at Parashas Metzora because, thanks to the leap year, they are able to coincide
WHEN YOU HAVE a problem with your skin, you go to a skin doctor. Unless, of course it was tzara’as, in which case a skin doctor would not do you much good
THIS IS THE parsha in which Nadav and Avihu make the deadly mistake of offering an incense offering that was not commanded.