It’s like getting off a moving sidewalk. While you’re on it, you move quite quickly even if you walk slowly.
It’s like getting off a moving sidewalk. While you’re on it, you move quite quickly even if you walk slowly.
How do you know you’re right? This was the question going through my mind during a conversation I had with someone a couple of weeks ago.
It sounds like a good thing at first, getting to know good and evil. After all, if you don’t know what they are, how can you choose to do the good and shun the evil?
THE REMARKABLE THING is how Parashas Massey and Sefer Bamidbar end reiterating the claim and the names of Bnos Tzelofchad.
THEY ASK HOW it was possible for the First Temple to be destroyed. They don’t mean physically, although stone burning would seem to have been a miracle.