THERE ARE THINGS in life that seem so simple and so secondary that we barely pay attention to them. That is, until life teaches us otherwise.
THERE ARE THINGS in life that seem so simple and so secondary that we barely pay attention to them. That is, until life teaches us otherwise.
EVERYTHING THAT HAS a beginning, has an ending, but in this case, it is the ending that has a beginning.
IF YOU ARE reading this, you’ve made it this far, b”H. It’s still early in the year, but hopefully, the fact that we made it through Yom Kippur, hopefully physically and spiritually unscathed, is a sign that we will do just fine the rest of the year, provided of course that we don’t go “sour” at some later point. If it can happen to Rebi Yochanan Kohen Gadol and Elisha ben Abuya, it can happen to just about anyone, God forbid.
The actual judgment on Rosh Hashanah is with respect to being a Ben Olam HaBa. As the Leshem explains, the Heavenly Bais Din decides if the person is currently worthy of going to the World-to-Come in order to decide how they should be treated in the upcoming year.
It was the first day of Selichos, Motzei Shabbos, 12:30 am. I never enjoyed being up so late, and I never looked forward to having to saying Selichos at that time of night.