
LAST EREV SHABBOS my chavrusa and I wished each other a good last Shabbos of the year (I’m writing this before Rosh Hashanah), as we signed off from Zoom to continue getting ready for Shabbos. As we did, we reflected on how we lost a friend, zt”l, the previous week whom just last year at the same time we thought would live for years to come. He was exactly my age when he passed away.


THIS LAST WEEK I lost a good friend and mentor, Rabbi Yehudah Landy, zt”l, to a brain tumor at a young age. He was the one who first approached me in 1993 to write a parsha sheet which shortly after became “Perceptions.” I have admired him ever since.


Parashas Ki Savo, Issue #2012 – By Rabbi Pinchas Winston Friday Night THE EXPRESSION IS expression is, kafui tovah, which means “denier of good.” To the extent that a person does not appreciate the good they have been given, first by God and then by anyone who may have acted as His shaliach to give…


Parashas Ki Seitzei, Issue #2011 – By Rabbi Pinchas Winston Friday Night This past Shabbos during a shiur I give on Shabbos afternoons, I was explaining that there will always be an attack from Amalek before a historic influx of Divine light. Amalek attacked the Jewish people in Rephidim before the giving of Torah, and… Membership Membership Logo

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Front Cover - Sha'ar HaPesukim - Bereishis - By Rabbi Pinchas Winston


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