RASHI MENTIONED AT the end of last week’s parsha that the entire lineage just mentioned was just to get to the verse about Rivkah being born, the soul mate and soon-to-be-wife of Yitzchak.
RASHI MENTIONED AT the end of last week’s parsha that the entire lineage just mentioned was just to get to the verse about Rivkah being born, the soul mate and soon-to-be-wife of Yitzchak.
IT IS AMAZING how quickly three parshios can pass by. This Shabbos will be a month since the Simchas Torah Arab invasion and atrocities.
I COULD NOT have planned it better. This is Issue #2018, and #70 of Ain Od Milvado, two very important numbers in this week’s parsha
YONAH WAS AGAINST telling the people of Nineveh that the end was nigh if they did not repent because he knew they would do teshuvah and save themselves.
Parashas Bereishis…again. The cycle begins…again. The amazing thing, at least for me, is how there is a whole new excitement…again. Usually, I cannot read a book twice (and my own books, not even once), except for Torah books.