WHY ARE YOU praying to Me? What kind of question was that? The Jewish people were helplessly trapped between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea with nowhere to run. What else was there to do at that point but pray?
WHY ARE YOU praying to Me? What kind of question was that? The Jewish people were helplessly trapped between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea with nowhere to run. What else was there to do at that point but pray?
WHAT DOES GOD really want from Creation? Not just from the Jewish people, but from the entire world? That gets answered in these parshios with certainty:
HE LED FOR one term. But when he refused to turn against the Jews, they got rid of him and forced him from office. But when he decided he liked being king more, he accepted the role and made the lives of the Jews a living hell. The ally had become the enemy.
WHY 210 YEARS? That’s what my chavrusa asked me recently. He understood why there had to be slavery, especially kabbalistically. He just hadn’t seen any explanation for the length of the exile, and wanted one.
THE AVOS, THE Gemora says, were called Yesharim, the Upright Ones, and that they were. Few, if any other peoples, have such illustrious ancestors who created the foundation of their nation on such Godly principles. In their time, there weren’t many people of God, and the few that were around did create nations.