
The Wise Son Says:

Haggadah Shel Pesach

Another Haggadah? Why not? The Pesach Seder is celebrated by countless Jews around the world each year, so why not something new and rich in insights and explanations…beautifully laid out to enhance the Seder experience?

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An English translation of the Arizal’s work on reincarnation, Chapters 1-35

This is an English translation of the Arizal’s work on reincarnation, filled with countless insights about life and its challenges.

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Rabbi Pinchas Winston

Pinchas Winston is the author of over 100 books on various topics that deal with current issues from a traditional Jewish perspective. He is also the author of a series of essays on the weekly Torah reading, as well as many others on current topics and trends affecting Jewish history. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.